
woensdag 1 januari 2014

Allerbeste wensen & e-mail van de ouders uit Bansang

De eerste dag van 2014, ik wens iedereen het allerbeste.
Een goede gezondheid & geluk, maar ook dat wensen in vervulling mogen gaan en dromen gerealiseerd gaan worden. Ook de ouders uit Bansang wensen iedereen:

Wish you all a happy new year in advance, good health and success. We aperaciat  what you have done for our community speacily our children and youths, by  supporting  to have education and to become professional foot ball players.

The foundation Robin Hood is on the right direction with their supporters, we can say that any were, for we are benefiting from it for the pass years till now, thank you and keep on the good work well done, God rewaed those who help the needy and you among those people, and we hope others will join you through Robin Hood to sponsore the needy communities.

We will not close this letter without saying thank you  very much to some of the sponsores for their rappert support, sir Thomas who build a school our community, Anita Oele who is supporting to develop a foot ball academy for our community, and thoes who are sponsoring our children indivedualy on their education through Robin Hood.  
God bless you all for your support.
                                                                    From The Elders of Bansang.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Beste wensen voor 2014

  2. Een heel gezond, gelukkig, gezellig en creatief 2014 gewenst, Anita. En veel succes met je goeie werk! Leuk om zo'n brief te lezen.


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